Rachel Tuchman
Rachel Tuchman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) with over ten years of experience. She has worked with many diverse populations including incarcerated women at Riker's Island Correctional Facility, kids and adults with developmental delays, kids with behavior issues, overwhelmed parents looking for skills and support, teens struggling with the pressures of adolescence and life in general, adults going through difficult life circumstances (divorce, infidelity, phase of life challenges), individuals struggling with their relationship with food and their bodies and women experiencing infertility.
Rachel is HAES (Health At Every Size) aligned clinician and dedicates a lot of her time out of office to educating parents and kids on the importance of body respect and the behaviors that truly honor our health.
Currently, she offers services in her Cedarhurst, NY office for teens adults, and women experiencing infertility, pregnancy loss, and post-hysterectomy.
Rachel also does speaking engagements for schools, synagogues, and various community organizations.
Telemental health services are available to all
current NY state residents.

Media & Events
Rachel has traveled around the world participating in panels, lecturing on various topics, and running workshops for all ages and stages.
Her approach is no-nonsense, clear, and concise while also warm and validating. Participants of her speaking engagements and workshops have said that she "says it like it is" and that "she is willing to say what is needed to get important messages across without fear of saying something unpopular."
Rachel truly cares about people and will do whatever it takes to advocate for those that need it.
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